Ternary Plot

Here you will find the guide to every parameter of the ternary plot. If you need more generic information please see DataPlotly Basic Usage.


Plot Properties

Layer: the combobox will display all the vector layers loaded in QGIS

X Field: the X field

Y Field: the Y field

Z Field: the Z field

Marker Color: marker color

Data Defined Override: you can add an Expression to define the size of the marker. If activated other options are available: Color Scale, Visible and Invert Color.

Marker Size: the size of the marker

Data Defined Override: you can add an Expression to define the size of the marker

Stroke Color: border color

Stroke Width: the width of the border

Point Type: marker type

Transparency: transparency level of the marker/line

Plot Customizations

Show Legend: show the legend of the current plot

Horizontal Legend: check if you want to have an horizontal legend

Plot Title: the plot title

Legend Title: the title of the legend

X Label: X label text

Y Label: Y Label text

Z Label: Z Label text

Additional Hover Label: choose another field of the plot (or other values) that will be shown together with the other informations. This field supports expressions: e.g. 'The ID of this point is ' || ID:
