Box Plot

Here you will find the guide to every parameter of the box plot. If you need more generic information please the DataPlotly Basic Usage.


Plot Properties

Layer: the combobox will display all the vector layers loaded in QGIS

Grouping Field (Optional): the grouping field. If no field is added, a generic box plot for the Y value will be displayed

Y Field: the Y field

Marker Color: color of the box

Stroke Color: border color

Stroke Width: the width of the border

Transparency: transparency level of the box

Plot Customizations

Show Legend: show the legend of the current plot

Horizontal Legend: check if you want to have an horizontal legend

Plot Title: the plot title

Legend Title: the title of the legend

X Label: X label text

Y Label: Y Label text

Invert X Axis: check if you want to invert the ordering of the x axis

X Axis Mode: choose between Linear, Logarithmic or Categorized

Invert Y Axis: check if you want to invert the ordering of the y axis

Y Axis Mode: choose between Linear, Logarithmic or Categorized

Box Orientation: the orientation of the box, either Horizontal or Vertical

Show Statistics: choose to show also additional statistics on each box plot, like the mean or the standard deviation (shown in the picture below)


Outliers: show also the outliers (or all the points) next to the box. Some example in the following picture:
